About Regina
Working in expanded energies and frequencies.
Hi, and welcome.
I am a medium – a clairvoyant, psychic, and channel. I’ve been told I have a sixth sense for as long as I can remember. Since then, I have grown to understand I have many more than our five ordinary senses.
My earliest memories are those seen through lenses that gave me sight into a world beyond our physical reality. I didn’t know then what I saw as different from others’ insights.
For over 60 years, I have communicated telepathically with entities via automatic writing, readings, and full-trance channeling. I strive to comfort those who grieve, sharing messages from those on the other side of the veil.
My life’s mission is to bring hope, comfort, and peace. I encourage those who seek, doubt, or need more information to follow their instincts, ask, invite, and keep an open mind. Your answers may surprise you. How your body responds will help guide you.
In my pre-adult years, I began assisting individuals requesting care during their end-of-life process. Today, this accompaniment is known as a Death Doula. My practice includes caregiving, energy work, and spiritual guidance, comforting the individual and their family during this transition. I use intuitive guidance from guides, healing touch, and Reiki training.
In 1986, I worked beside Marcel Vogel. Together, we studied the effects of subtle energies outside our physical body, monitoring psychic energy, biofeedback during meditation, Kirlian photography of auras of organic and elemental objects, and scientifically measuring the effects of intention on water and crystals.
Since 1986, I have worked intermittently with the Foundation for Mind Being Research (FMBR.org), with whom I channeled the STS 51L Space Shuttle Challenger astronauts presenting information (verified by investigation), and the crew of the STS-107 Columbia, whose shuttle disintegrated upon reentry into the atmosphere over Texas and Louisianna.
Transcripts of channeled material can be found:
Challengercc.org: Channeling the Challenger Astronauts: 30-Year Afterlife Communication Project with mediums Regina Ochoa and Jeanne Love.
The Columbia: Space Shuttle Columbia Crew channeling.
Ochoa’s stories are featured in:
Seven Stories to Light the Way Home: Tales of Wisdom and Compassion for Your Soul’s Journey (The Greater Reality series, Book 3) by Cynthia Spring and Frances Vaughan (Wisdom Circles Publishing, 2023)
Ochoa is referenced in these books:
Channeling, Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources by Jon Klimo (North Atlantic Books, 1998);
Seed Stem and Bloom by Mary J. Robinson (Published by Compassionate Mind Collaborative, 2022);
Seven Questions About The Greater Reality book series by Cynthia Spring and Frances Vaughan (Wisdom Circles Publishing, 2022);
The Teacher of Light: On the Teachings of Joachim Wippich and the Mystery of 3-6-9 by Dr. Jerry Gin (Torus Press, 2021).
Additional Website:
CosmicVoices.network features messages from the Greater Reality channeled by Ochoa and medium Jeanne Love.

Prairie Gifts
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